Hello, great theme by the way. I had problems uploading the theme, but i was finally able to do so. I uploaded the parent and then created a child theme and activated the child theme. I followed the theme installation instructions. I activated all of the plugins etc and all of the steps. I went to the one click import demo and waited and waited, left my computer for a few hours and then over night even, and it just kept loading. nothing came from it. Then i followed the manual import using the dummy content.xml file. Initially i kept getting a external 500 error, after trying again, it finally went through, but most of the things on the list said failed or already exist, mostly failed. At the end of the list i did get “all done, have fun!” i ran the widget importer plugin and uploaded the file. When i go to the site, it looks nothing like the demo site.
I increaded the max upload limit size also like mentioned in the instructions so i know that isnt the issue. I tried everything before reaching out.
the site is:
PLease let me know what i have to do to to get the site to look like the demo site. The demo site looks amazing and then i can go and customize.
Need help!
Need help importing demo not working
This topic is: not resolved