To whom it may concern,
Is there a way to have a single map, that shows all of our products as markers?
We have 300 billboards across a couple metro areas. Each billboard is a “product” within Woocommerce because we use it like an inventory rather than a shopping experience. Each billboard is categorically nested within its geographical location, then the type of board within that geographic location.
Is it possible to accomplish the following:
1. A page that shows the map. On that map it shows all of our inventory markers (the exact spots our boards are located)
2. The filter feature on the left, have it list out the type of billboard it is. There are 4 types. Can each type have a different marker designation? So you can uncheck the types of billboards you don’t want to see?
3. Adjust the information within the infopane to a few key attributes of that particular billboard.
4. When you click on a marker for a product (billboard) have it link directly to that specific product (billboard) page.
Is any of this possible? I know you made the map plugin as a store locator, but it’s the only one I’ve found that integrates with Woocommerce and it would be nice to not have to maintain multiple spreadsheets for different imports.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Map of entire inventory
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