I’m having issues with the pages I’m creating with the builder respecting the Page Title style preferences I’ve selected in my theme.
I’m using the Pofo theme and it works fine with WP Bakery as far as other pages, but the WooCommerce pages that are created pull in a different page title/header style than what I’ve selected.
I’ve looked around in the template files in the plugin and see that it’s pulling in “template parts” from somewhere. Can I disable this somehow so that it leaves the header/footer alone and just populates the content area with stuff from the Page Builder?
Here’s an example of a page with the page header/title the way I want it to appear (photo behind the logo/menu and no breadcrumbs):
http://www.stevedeakinpickleball.com/aboutHere’s an example of the store page showing a different style of header/title which is incorrect and is not selected anywhere in the theme (photo is cut off so there’s nothing behind the logo/menu and breadcrumbs are showing even though I have them turned off everywhere I can find to turn them off):
https://stevedeakinpickleball.com/product/selkirk-amped-s2-lightweight-amethyst-purple/HELP! 🙂
Page Title Selection Being Over-ridden
This topic is: resolved