Hi! Great plugin! I’m new and I’m having some difficulty. I have created some checkout templates, but I cannot seem to activate them. I have attached some screen shots. Could you please tell me what I am missing?
The process I am following is:
1. Check Pages to make sure the page designated as the Checkout page has the right shortcode. My checkout page has “[woocommerce_checkout]” and nothing else.
2. Check Woocommerce > Settings > Advanced > Page Setup to make sure “Checkout” is selected as the Checkout page. Checkout is the name of the page mentioned in number 1 above.
3. Create a checkout template in Templates > WooCommerce Builder > Checkout. I have named mine “Checkout One”
4. Navigate to Templates > WooCommerce Builder > Checkout > Page Setup and select “Checkout One” from the Checkout page dropdown, and Save Changes.
After that, I don’t know what to do. My site is not showing “Checkout One” as the checkout page. Please let me know what I missed!
Mark 🙂
Can't Activate Template
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