I’ve just purchased WooCommerce Page Builder for Elementor and I have 2 questions:
1.) “Add New” Button not working?
Following the tutorial I’ll go to Template -> WooCommerce Builder -> Add New
But the “Add New” button does nothing when I left-click it.
I can right-click to open in new tab. But if I do so it simply opens the “Add new product template” dialog without giving me the option to select the “Template Type” first.
And although this allows me to create an Elementor page, if I’ll publish it I can’t select it as “Cart” Template. In the drop-down menu only “None (Use theme Layout)” is available.2.) “Woo Cart Table” Widget
Adding the “Woo Cart Table” Widget to a page adds the respsctive table.
However, this Widget includes the “Cross Sells” block as part of it.And I don’t mean adding the dedicated “Woo Cross Sells” widget.
The “Cross Sells” are somehow “hard-coded” in the “Woo Cart Table” widget and I have no way of modifying its properties (style, fonts, moving it around etc.)
Although this isn’t very nice in desktop or tablet mode as well, the biggest problem occurs with a mobile screen: The “Cart Totals” and “Checkout Button” appear BELOW the Cross sells, which are displayed between the cart table and the cart totals.
remove_action( 'woocommerce_cart_collaterals', 'woocommerce_cross_sell_display' );
in functions.php also doesn’t help.
Any chance of removing cross sells from this widget?
Thanks a lot,
Button "Add New" doesn't work properly and modify cart table
This topic is: resolved