Hi guys!
First I’d like to say congrats for the plugin, it looks awesome… But I have a problem:
I’ve just purchased the plugin and installed it, I’ve downloaded a single product demo but in settings when I try to apply the template, it doesn’t appear in the selection; instead of demo templates (or any template) it is only showing the pages from the website I created in wordpress. So, I’ve created a page with the template’s same configuration, so I can choose in settings but I’ve thought it’s a bit stupid (but could be a solution if we can’t do anything else).
Taking a look to some topics could be some issues:
– PHP version because I’m using 7.3.20. I can’t acces to the hosting options right now but in these next days I will and then update to 7.4.
– In Woocommerce status says my memory limit is 40 Mb and it says it should be at least 64 Mb. I’ll try to change it as well.For now that’s it, let me know if there is something else I (or you) can do.
Thanks in advance
Can't apply template to products
This topic is: resolved