My configuration is WordPress 5.3.2 + Woocommerce 3.8.1 + Elementor Pro 2.8.3
+ DT WooCommerce Page Builder For Elementor have two problems with the Checkout page
In this problem there are two partsAn unknown “empty” appears on the header of the Checkout Review Order, which disables the table
When I add with Elementor the Checkout Coupon Form nothing can be modified, please see the, I can only change aspects of the column, the rest is locked. Please watch the video….Video Problem 1
I have a header on the section of the complete Checkout form, but when the woocommerce-form-login-toggle is displayed on the frontend it is outside the checkout form and above the header.
Watch the video…Video Problem 2If you need access to my wordpress panel, please ask me to send the access credentials
Checkout page builder problems
This topic is: resolved