Dear Dawnthemes team,
I’ve some issues on mobile device with Elite Player video when i switch to fullscreen mode (with the dedicated button)
Please find below some requests. Could you help ?1/When i display the video page and i click on fullscreen mode button (without launching the video), i’ve a empty screen and i’m blocked. (only on iOs and if i’ve a pre-roll ad video). Capture in the post below.
2/ when i’m in portrait mode, i launch the video and after i switch to landscape mode, the video not switch in full screen mode : The tabs of iOs are still there. Is there a way to “hide” those tabs ? (Only on iOs)
(Please note : The issue is not there if i’ve switch to landscape mode before launching the video). Capture in the post below.2/ After that when i switch again to portrait mode, the back background has disappear and the video player is sticky to the top of the page. Is there a way to fix this ? (Only On iOs). Capture in the post below.
3/ I there a way to display on Elite Video player Airplay and/or ChromeCast features ?
If not possible :
Other option : when you click on fullscreen button, Is there a way to switch with the Native iOs player ? To go further : Only on landscape mode?
Last Option : Could we disable the Elite Video Player only for mobile and keep the native behavior ?
Thank a lot for your help.
Elite Video Player on Mobile phone
This topic is: not resolved