Dear Dawnthemes team,
I’ve two issues and I use the
1/ In my server log i’ve this message :
2020/06/17 00:55:30 [error] 24948#24948: *260759 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Notice: Undefined variable: selected in ****/wp-content/plugins/dawnthemes/includes/admin/functions.php on line 127” while reading upstream, client: ****, server: ****, request: “GET /wp-admin/post.php?post=68&action=edit&message=1 HTTP/1.0”, upstream: “fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php7.3-fpm-stips.sock:”, host: “****e”, referrer: “https://****/wp-admin/post.php?post=68&action=edit”
Could you check wp-content/plugins/dawnthemes/includes/admin/functions.php if $selected need to be declared before call line 127 ?2/ When i use video slider in dark mode in a page (with WP bakery), no black background is set => if i compare with http://demo.dawnthemes.com/viem/v4/ no “vc_custom_152516982635” class is set on my website.
Could you help ?Thank you for your help
Php notice about plugins/dawnthemes/includes/admin/functions.php + Class missing
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