I’m opening this topic, because it appears a whitespace under footer.
Very probably it is a script of the theme that makes the page larger, but I can’t find out which one. Here you can find a video for better understanding of the issue https://mega.nz/#!QfYDQYjI!67yX5BYl2D_c_-cr1cmqo6skAtSvHducmRWLEufXmi8
I integrated my website with following plugin from Modern Tribe:
Event Tickets
The Events Calendar
Community Events
Community Tickets
Event Tickets Plus
Filter Bar
I noticed that if you open the ‘Settings’ for the ticket section, then you will see this whitespace disappears. This issue it’s appearing only in the section for creating a new event.
If you can help me to solve the issue and let me know which script is causing the issue.Thank you
Best Regards
Ticketbox whitespace space under footer
This topic is: resolved