I am having some issue display some of my dynamic elements onto my product page. After many hours researching as to why, we found out that some of the WooCommerce Page Builder is not using the native function. ( Two are, but not the others) – – Please see below replay back from out programmer….—
The developer didn’t use the native WooCommerce functions to pull the single product data. They do use the native function to fetch the reviews and add to cart form. But for rest not using the native functions.
By native functions I mean
– Title: woocommerce_template_single_title
– Price: woocommerce_template_single_price
– Short Description: woocommerce_template_single_excerptSo ask your developer to use those functions. Or tell us above or below title hooks, same for price and descriptions as well.
WooCommerce Functions-Single Product Data
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